Irving Leong Kean Wei 梁劍瑋

Irving Leong

Unit Trust Consultant 信托基金顾问
Private Retirement Scheme Consultant 私人退休计划顾问

Embarking on my journey as a Unit Trust Consultant in 2022, I am dedicated to offering tailored solutions to facilitate retirement planning with regular savings for Malaysians working in Singapore, irrespective of their CPF account status. With a focus on Public Mutual products, my objective is to assist individuals in achieving their financial goals effectively.

With a wealth of expertise and a deep understanding of the industry’s intricacies, I am here to confidently guide you toward achieving your financial goals.

As a trusted retirement planning consultant, I am dedicated to providing personalized advice and solutions that align with your unique needs and preferences. Whether you’re aiming to build a robust retirement fund, plan for your retirement planning, or grow your wealth for the future, I am committed to offering expert guidance and support every step of the way.

Partnering with me means accessing a comprehensive range of Public Mutual products designed to suit various risk profiles and investment objectives. Together, we can navigate the dynamic landscape of financial markets and secure a brighter financial future for you and your loved ones.

Embark on this journey with me, and let’s pave the way to financial success together. Reach out today to explore how we can optimize your investment strategy and achieve your financial aspirations.”


专注于Public Mutual产品,我的目标是有效地帮助个人实现他们的财务目标。


我会根据您的需求和目标,为您提供最合适退休规划方案,让您的退休得到最大的保障。 无论是为了安享美好的退休生活,还是为了给家人带来更好的生活质量,我都会竭尽全力,为您打造一个稳定和可靠的财务规划。


理財小秘笈,生活so easy.

小菜鳥理財, 2022

Personal Profile & Qualifications

Certifications & Licenses

Unit Trust Consultant, FIMM
Private Retirement Scheme, FIMM


Diploma in International Business


Unit Trust Consultant & Private Retirement Consultant, Public Mutual


Kempas, Johor Bahru, Johor
Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

Retirement Planning: H.E.R.O Plan 退休规划:H.E.R.O计划

Experience the H.E.R.O Plan – your pathway to financial success and security. H.E.R.O stands for “Helping Everyone Reach Optimal Financial Goals.” With our specialized plan, we provide personalized financial solutions tailored to your unique needs and aspirations. Whether you’re planning for retirement, education, or wealth accumulation, our H.E.R.O. Plan ensures that you’re equipped with the tools and strategies to navigate your financial journey with confidence. Unlock your potential and embark on the path to a brighter financial future with our H.E.R.O. Plan today!

Our Services: H.E.R.O Plan


If you’ve found a property you like, let’s list your budget for your Dream House.

Give your children the tertiary education they deserve or plan one for you.
Education Fund

Earn enough in your retirement fund to retire the way you want.
Retirement Fund

To prepare a fund for traveling, wedding, or step-up an own business.
Travel Fund

Free 20-Minute H.E.R.O Planning Consultation: Text Me Now Text me Now

Unlock your financial blueprint with a personalized consultation! Take the first step towards financial empowerment by scheduling your complimentary 20-minute consultation today. Our team of trusted retirement planning consultants specializes in retirement planning, unit trust investment, and savings strategies tailored for residents in Johor Bahru, Johor Malaysia and those working in Singapore with work permits but without CPF. Discover how our experienced consultants can guide you toward a secure financial future. Text now to book your appointment and embark on your journey towards financial freedom.
通过个性化咨询解锁您的财务蓝图!立即预约您的免费20分钟咨询,迈出通向财务赋权的第一步。我们信任的退休规划顾问团队专注于为新加坡的工作许可证持有人以及马来西亚柔佛州Johor Bahru 新山的居民量身定制的退休规划、单位信托投资和储蓄战略。发现我们经验丰富的顾问如何引导您走向安全的财务未来。立即发送短信预约您的咨询,踏上通向财务自由的旅程。

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